How will I welcome my students every day?
The beginning of the day is the most exciting part of the day! It not only sets a tone for the rest of the day but it starts everyone on a blank page for the day and if they have not had the best of mornings your smiling face and the other joyful children will surely turn their frowns upside down. I will stand at the entrance of the classroom, if I do not meet my students in another assigned area. I will be dressed professional, yet not too uptight so that my outfit offers a comfortable and formal appearance at the same time. I will have a smile on my face and an upbeat tone to my voice when I greet the children for the first time.
I will have a different activity waiting on the students desk (for example, connect the dots, a picture to color, something easy and something the student can finish within 10-15 minutes). The students will put away their belongings in their cubby's and take a seat at their assigned desk and begin the assignment. I will have soft music playing in the background. After all of the students have arrived (or 10 minutes after all of the students arrive) I will turn off the music and take roll. As I call each of their name (the order will be switched up daily to keep them listening) they can proceed to the colorful rug for morning group time.
Morning group time will take care of all the administrative things for the day. For example, who is buying or brought lunch and any announcements for the day. We will then proceed on to the day, month, weather, and begin or lesson for the day. The first thing in the morning, the meet and greet part of the day, should be filled with much energy and excitement. The children will catch on to your attitude and they too will have a positive attitude for the day.
Very nicely done. I'm proud of you!